How to Decipher Crochet Slang!
If you frequent crochet groups or blogs online, then you know that crocheters speak have a different kind of language! Keep on scrolling down to learn what HOTH, WIP & more mean!
For example: What is Frogging in Crochet? You might have heard the term “frogging” or “frog” before on a crochet page or forum. It has nothing to do with actual frogs, and actually means ripping out a crochet project with a mistake or there is a need to start over. It is called frogging because it reminds you of the sound a frog makes. Get it? Rip it? Ribbit?
Just like crochet abbreviations, crochet slang is another crochet language that you will want to learn to fully understand patterns and what exactly crocheters mean. Read on down to find the full list of crochet slang terminology and meanings!
Common Crochet Slang & Terms
Below are common crochet slang and unofficial abbreviations you may see throughout the crochet community.
Crochet Slang Abbreviations
- AMI: Amigurumi – A small knitted or crocheted toy.
- BISTITCHUAL: This is someone who both knits and crochets.
- C2C: Corner-to-corner – These projects are worked diagonally and can use graphs to create images.
- CAL: “Crochet Along”… when crocheters work on parts of a crochet project together as a group.
- FO: Finished object
- FOTH: A crochet project that is “fresh off the hook”
- FREFORM (FREESTYLE or FREEHAND): Crocheting without a pattern, and just making it up as you go.
- FROG or FROGGING: Ripped out stitches of a crochet project
- FS: An item “For Sale”
- HOOKER: One who crochets… with a hook
- HOTH: A project that is hot off the hook
- HSPY: Haven’t started project yet
- ISO: “In Search Of”… when you are looking for that perfect yarn or pattern.
- JAYGO: Join as you go
- LYS: Local yarn store
- NCR: Not crochet related
- OCD: Obsessive crocheting disorder
- PAT: Crochet Pattern
- PHD: Project half done
- PIW: “Project in waiting”… one that hasn’t been started yet.
- STASH: All your yarn, a yarn pile or accumulation of so much yarn.
- STASHBUSTER: A project that uses up leftover yarn.
- TIA: “Thanks in advance”… when you ask a question about yarn or a pattern and want to say thanks in advance.
- UFO: Unfinished project
- USO: Unstarted object, same as a PIW
- WIP: “Work in Progress”… the crochet project you are currently working on.
- YARN BARF: The mess that comes out of the middle of yarn ball when you try to pull the center strand out.
- YARN BOMB: A decorative yarn piece that is crocheted or knit and placed in public
- YARN CHICKEN: Trying to finish a row or a whole project without running out of yarn.
- YARN CAKE: When you rewind a skein of yarn using a yarn winder.
- YARN VOMIT: See the definition for yarn barf
- YARNIE: Someone who loves to crochet or knit with yarn.
What is Your Favorite Crochet Lingo?
I hope you enjoyed this list of popular crochet slang terms! If you can think of any I didn’t mention above, be sure to let me know in the comments or over in the Easy Crochet Facebook Group and be sure to tell me your favorite too!

Free Crochet Patterns To Make
- Free Heart Crochet Patterns for Valentine’s Day
- Best Easy Crochet Patterns for the Holidays
- Easy Crochet Patterns That are All Cozy
- 5 Minute Crochet Patterns
- 8 Favorite Spring Crochet Tops
- 14 Free Crochet Leg Warmer Patterns
- 25 Warm Weather Crochet Patterns To Make
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- 30 Free Crochet Baby Blanket Patterns
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- 50 Easy Crochet Ideas For When You Can’t Make Up Your Mind
- 15 Free and Easy Moss Stitch Crochet Patterns
- 25 Crochet Gifts for Men (All Free Patterns)
Thank you so much for all information and patterns. Very helpful!!
You are welcome!! I am glad you enjoyed these.
Happy Crocheting