Project Yardage Calculator

This calculator will show you how much yarn you’ve used inside your crochet project. If you have ever found yourself wondering how many yards are in a crochet blanket or knit project, then this calculator will help.

Calculator to figure out the total yardage in a crochet or knit pattern.

There are a few things you will need.

  1. The total weight (grams/ounces) of 1 skein of yarn that was used in the project. This can usually be found on the package the yarn came in.
  2. The full skein length. (meters/yards)
  3. A kitchen scale to find the total project weight. It is best to use a strainer or bowl on top of the scale. Place the finished project in the strainer/bowl to find the weight. This method makes it easier to get the correct weight of a project.

After submitting the form, the results will show the total yardage amount that is in a project.

Project Yardage Calculator

(grams or ounces)
(meters or yards)
(grams or ounces)